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Posted December 03, 2013 | Category: Health Blog

Happy employees help to make organisations more successful. The good news is that work can provide opportunities for many of the things that help to make people happy such as connecting with others; learning and growing skills; achieving goals and finding meaning. There are things we can all do to help make our workplaces happier and thus more productive.

Posted October 14, 2013 | Category: Safety Blog

OHS/WHS Regulations are complex and wide in scope encompassing asbestos, hazardous substances, noise, plant and high risk work.

Posted August 26, 2013 | Category: Health Blog

The WorkHealth grants program has been an exceptional tool to help fund wellbeing activities in the workplace. One study has found that employees who walk 10,000 steps per day and work out in the gym 3 times per week could be worth an extra $2,500 in productivity per year.1

Posted August 26, 2013 | Category: Noise Blog

The dynamic nature of construction sites adds to the challenge of meeting the Model Work Health and Safety Regulations and Code of Practice for Managing Noise and Preventing Hearing Loss at Work which have been adopted in most Australian jurisdictions.

The Model Regulations require employers or “persons conducting a business or undertaking” to meet the noise standard through a “hierarchy” of controls.

Posted November 11, 2013 | Category: Health Blog

How badly did this year’s flu season impact upon productivity within your business/company? Figures show that 1 million working days are lost in Australia each year due to the flu and that 2,500 Australians die from the flu each year.

Posted October 14, 2013 | Category: Noise Blog

Restaurants can be loud—very loud. In Victoria and NSW, 85 dBA is the end of the WorkCover safe limit at which workers can complete an eight-hour day without wearing ear protection. Compare this to loud, noisy restaurants where customers and staff are regularly exposed to levels above this limit.

Posted August 26, 2013 | Category: Safety Blog

The Telstra "debacle" has put the asbestos debate back into the news with comments by Malcolm Turnbull, the opposition communications spokesperson,and $10.5 million pledged for asbestos protection by the Federal Government as reported in The Age on 19th June.