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JTA is committed to continuously improving the quality of our business operations and services. Through accreditation we ensure that our processes meet all regulatory requirements and that we provide a quality service to our clients.

Accreditation is independent recognition that JTA meets the requirements of defined standards and is a tool to measure and continuously improve our performance and outcomes.

In 2017, JTA received approval to transition from a Quality Certification to an Integrated Management System Certification consisting of Quality, Safety & Environment externally audited to the following standards:

Quality AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015
Safety AS/NZS 4801:2001
Environment ISO 14001:2015

An Integrated Management System integrates all of our systems and processes into one complete framework and enables us to be more effective and efficient. Additionally, adopting an integrated management system facilitates a holistic approach to business planning and review where Quality, Environment and Safety are always considered.

Accreditation Logos

We are committed to:

To meet quality, safety and environmental objectives, JTA has adopted the following policy initiatives: