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Local Government

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Local Government

With a comprehensive range of services and over 30 years of experience, JTA regularly assists Municipal Councils with health, safety and environmental compliance issues. The diversity of local government services, operations and facilities makes compliance with the array of health, safety and environmental regulations a challenge. 

Local Government

Local Government Issues

Local Government has far reaching impacts on the community so needs to demonstrate a strong commitment to OHS/WHS and accountability for their performance. The work of local government exposes municipal councils to a wide range of risks, from managing heavy engineering work, to running sport and entertainment venues, to delivering services to householders.  

Compliance Issues

JTA has extensive experience and a commitment to ongoing research. We regularly review the OHS/WHS regulations, check our interpretations with the authorities and consult experts through our professional affiliations. This enables us to always provide you with the most up to date advice on compliance.

Specific Services For Local Government

Buildings and Assets

All workplaces must have an Asbestos Register which has to be updated every five years or earlier if any changes are made.  Conducting an Asbestos Audit to establish or update your Asbestos Register can also provide an opportunity to record other Hazardous Materials such as lead, PCBs, ozone depleting substances and stored chemicals.

Asbestos and Construction

Construction’s tight timelines and the high cost of variations demands professional, experienced advice.  During the competitive tendering stage, we can advise you on contractual terms designed to ensure OHS/WHS issues are dealt with according to a reasonable, risk based approach.

Our knowledge base covers all aspects of dealing with asbestos and how to manage it properly, safely and in compliance with state legislation. We know about the pressures of construction, particularly when it involves multiple contractors of varying size and sophistication and are committed to minimising disruption. 

We provide Asbestos Audits to identify Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs), Air Monitoring, Clearance Certificates and Soil Assessments.

Contractor Management

With a diverse range of assets and services under your management, increasing pressure on budgets and ever increasing compliance requirements, effective Contractor Management has become a critical factor in ensuring you meet your compliance responsibilities to your contractors. Similarly, contractors need to be fully aware of their responsibilities and able to meet their obligations to their workers and the general public.

Meth Labs

Meth labs are a growing problem in Australia. JTA has experience and has spent a great deal of time and effort researching cost effective assessment and remediation methodologies for suspected sites to offer their Meth Lab Assessment service. We deliver a socially responsible, informed and scientifically supportable site assessment, remediation and validation service.

Waste Management

JTA has worked in transfer stations and landfills across several Australian states assessing environmental and occupational risks, developing environmental and occupational management systems and acting in an ongoing consulting role.  Significant projects include risk assessment of effective landfill disposal options for asbestos containing waste, air monitoring and noise projects to deal with emissions from transfer stations and landfill operations, procedures to deal with fly dumped potentially contaminated waste and assessment of public hazardous chemical collection facilities.


Noise induced deafness remains an insidious and significant occupational disability which is readily prevented at a reasonable cost. Workplaces with significant noise exposure such as mowing, road works, construction and other activities where exposures exceed the standard (an equivalent eight hour exposure of 85dB (A)) must be provided with an Occupational Noise Assessment at least every five years. The assessment must be accompanied by Audiometric Testing to monitor workers hearing for noise related deafness every two years. 

Your Occupational Noise Obligations

Our Occupational Noise Obligations flowchart provides a quick, and easy to use, one page guide to what you need to do to comply with occupational noise requirements under OHS/WHS regulations around Australia.


Mould is a threat to indoor air quality and a fast-growing health concern. Mould growth can also threaten the structural integrity of buildings, especially where there has been water damage due to extreme weather conditions. We have vast experience in the detection and eradication of mould and its causes across a wide range of building environments.


Ergonomics is a critical component of a safe and productive office environment. For screen based workers, including the growing numbers of home based workers, ergonomic workstation design and set up are critical to their health and also their efficiency.   JTA has been assisting municipal councils with ergonomic design and workstation set-up with group or individual coaching and equipment/process design and training.

JTA NATA Accredited Lab

JTA has a NATA Accredited Lab (accreditation no. 20384). Our lab is NATA accredited for the analysis of airborne asbestos and synthetic mineral fibre. Having a fully operational, in-house NATA Accredited Testing Laboratory means that we can offer you fast, accurate and confidential analytical results from the lab at our office or our field lab at your site for larger projects.

Other Related Services:


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Compliance Issues

JTA has extensive experience and a commitment to ongoing research. We regularly review the OHS/WHS regulations, check our interpretations with the authorities and consult experts through our professional affiliations. This enables us to always provide you with the most up to date advice on compliance.