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Posted August 11, 2014 | Category: Noise Blog

Occasionally at JTA Noise we carry out assessments where we find that the noise is well within occupational and environmental standards and even best practice and yet the problem remains in that the complainant continues to be aggravated by the offending noise.

Posted June 02, 2014 | Category: Health Blog

It’s interesting that some people still question the purpose or validity of corporate wellness programs when there is so much research that supports the business case for investing in employee health. Smart companies understand that focusing on ‘well care’ makes good business sense.

Posted June 02, 2014 | Category: Noise Blog

Reports of live music dying in Melbourne and moving to Sydney with the consequent loss of a Melbourne signature music scene came to a head in Brunswick last year where a local councillor intervened in a VCAT hearing to save an iconic local live music venue (The Melbourne Age, November 2013).

Posted February 25, 2014 | Category: Safety Blog

Having spent a bit of time working offshore as an OHS/WHS "ring in" on various vessels, including small and medium sized ships and various platforms and rigs it is my experience that TVs can be a toxic presence for people, like me, that do not know anyone on board particularly well.

Posted December 03, 2013 | Category: Safety Blog

A recent incident in the UK leading to a prosecution emphasizes the stark contrast between OHS/WHS "Haves" and "Have-Nots" – organisations that systematically and effectively manage and resource OHS/WHS and those that do not. Which one are you?

Posted August 11, 2014 | Category: Health Blog

Did you know that the average worker can spend anywhere between 30-60 hours per week at work? This significant amount of time spent at work is one of the many factors contributing to the importance of addressing mental health in the workplace and the promotion of a positive working environment.

Posted June 02, 2014 | Category: Safety Blog

It is hard to associate a name like Mr Fluffy with something as sinister as asbestos. Mr Fluffy was the trading name of the company responsible for insulating over 1000 ACT homes with a highly friable form of crocidolite (blue) asbestos – the most toxic form of asbestos.

Posted February 25, 2014 | Category: Noise Blog

In a recent traffic incident a driver was accused of travelling at 140 km per hour through the Burnley Tunnel in heavy traffic. When informed of the alleged offence, the incredulous driver immediately questioned the calibration of the offending instrument. After a lengthy court case the driver was found not guilty, not due to calibration error, but due to measurement error, a prescient reminder of the importance of both calibration and measurement technique to those of us who drive instruments for a living.

Posted February 25, 2014 | Category: Health Blog

In 1966 Paul Simon wrote "Slow down you move too fast, You..." How did he know that paying attention to the present moment allows us to connect to the world and the joy around us as well as giving us a break from our tiring thoughts? Basically, that caring for oneself does have physiological benefits.

Posted December 03, 2013 | Category: Noise Blog

Audiometric (hearing) testing shows that we still have some way to go to defeat 'noise induced hearing loss' which progressively steals the ability to communicate and, if noise exposure continues unabated, eventually socially isolates its victims. New evidence shows that the use of personal MP3 players has opened another front for the development of this serious affliction in younger people.