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Health Blog

New obligations were introduced in Victoria in November 2021 aimed at protecting workers from exposure to deadly Crystalline Silica dust. There was a phased approach to the introduction of the regulations to give you enough time to prepare for the changes to your duties and obligations.  However, the 15 November 2022 deadline for the introduction of the remaining Victorian Crystalline Silica Regulations is fast approaching. What does this mean for you?

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on 15 Aug 2022 12:49 PM
On the 6th June this year Safe Work Australia announced major amendments to the model Work Health and Safety Act and model Work Health and Safety Regulations. Whilst the amendments cover a range of issues, there are two key changes you should be aware of. They are in relation to managing psychosocial risk and a proposed prohibition on insurance for penalties. How will these, and the other changes, affect you?
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on 15 Aug 2022 12:31 PM
OHS (or WHS outside Victoria) is principally a state and territory responsibility. The Federal Government supports national organisations such as SafeWork Australia which is important for establishing national standards including the workplace exposure standards. The change of Federal government may influence the way in which some or all of these organisations operate and their funding.  
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on 15 Aug 2022 10:34 AM
After an extreme weather event, it is difficult to know where to start the clean-up. The feeling of being overwhelmed can make it hard to digest conflicting information, much of which is incomplete and can leave you exposed to unforeseen risks.
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on 06 Apr 2022 10:41 AM

Following the significant rise in COVID cases as a result of the movement away from elimination strategies and the strain on PCR testing, we have seen a rise in interest in Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs).

But what role to RATs play in workplace COVID-19 risk management and what are the considerations for their use?

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on 13 Jan 2022 11:36 AM
The importation of asbestos is again finding its way into the news. In March, Border Force tested four shipments of imported products and all four were found to contain asbestos, whilst in September asbestos was found in building materials imported from China. This appears to be a continuing issue and one that puts Australian workers at risk from uncontrolled exposure to working with asbestos containing materials.
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on 26 Nov 2021 3:32 PM
As we now understand, working with engineered stone can lead to deadly lung and respiratory diseases – including silicosis. Sadly, since the beginning of the year, Victoria has had four workers die from silica related illness and WorkSafe has accepted 59 claims for silica related diseases. New Regulations that came into effect on 15th November aim to reduce these numbers. The new regulations will also introduce additional oversight of high-risk crystalline silica work across all industries, including construction and earth resources.
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on 26 Nov 2021 3:22 PM
JTA has seen an increased focus from regulators, government agencies and proactive organisations in seeking out a holistic approach to worker health management. Organisations looking to conform or align to AS/NZS ISO 450001 can incorporate a Health and Hygiene Management Plan into their management system.
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on 26 Nov 2021 3:05 PM
The relationship between ventilation and the airborne transmission of COVID has been in the news over the last few months. Is this something that you should be considering? The simple answer is a resounding YES! A research article titled ‘A guideline to limit indoor airborne transmission of COVID-19’ says: ‘Airborne transmission arises through the inhalation of aerosol droplets exhaled by an infected person and is now thought to be the primary transmission route of COVID-19.’
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on 26 Nov 2021 2:37 PM
There is growing scientific acceptance by the WHO and others that COVID-19 transmission is much more airborne than previously thought. Ventilation systems are key to the prevention of transmission of pollutants and recent research indicates that COVID-19, transmitted in aerosols from infected persons, is susceptible to control by ventilation.
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on 27 Aug 2021 1:29 PM