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Posted November 26, 2021 | Category: Safety Blog, Health Blog
As we now understand, working with engineered stone can lead to deadly lung and respiratory diseases – including silicosis. Sadly, since the beginning of the year, Victoria has had four workers die from silica related illness and WorkSafe has accepted 59 claims for silica related diseases. New Regulations that came into effect on 15th November aim to reduce these numbers. The new regulations will also introduce additional oversight of high-risk crystalline silica work across all industries, including construction and earth resources.
Posted November 26, 2021 | Category: Safety Blog, Health Blog
The relationship between ventilation and the airborne transmission of COVID has been in the news over the last few months. Is this something that you should be considering? The simple answer is a resounding YES! A research article titled ‘A guideline to limit indoor airborne transmission of COVID-19’ says: ‘Airborne transmission arises through the inhalation of aerosol droplets exhaled by an infected person and is now thought to be the primary transmission route of COVID-19.’
Posted June 15, 2021 | Category:
Your innocuous looking backyard veggie patch could actually be the source of toxic lead poisoning according to an extensive study led by Professor Mark Taylor at Macquarie University and published in the journal Environment International.
Posted June 15, 2021 | Category:
The global reclassification of welding fume as “carcinogenic to humans” in 2017 confirmed what many had suspected for a long time and led to SafeWork Australia publishing a new Code of Practice on Welding Processes.
COVID ready plan
Posted October 29, 2020 | Category: Safety Blog
Since 11:59pm on 13 September 2020, it has been mandatory for every Victorian business to have a COVID Safe Plan and to review it regularly to ensure it is up to date and aligns with the latest advice. To ensure compliance, WorkSafe Victoria are doing random spot checks in both metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria. You do not have to lodge your COVID Safe Plan with the Victorian Government, however, you do need to provide your COVID Safe Plan to an Authorised Officer or WorkSafe Inspector upon request.
Posted November 26, 2021 | Category: Safety Blog, Health Blog, Noise Blog
JTA has seen an increased focus from regulators, government agencies and proactive organisations in seeking out a holistic approach to worker health management. Organisations looking to conform or align to AS/NZS ISO 450001 can incorporate a Health and Hygiene Management Plan into their management system.
Posted August 27, 2021 | Category: Safety Blog, Health Blog
There is growing scientific acceptance by the WHO and others that COVID-19 transmission is much more airborne than previously thought. Ventilation systems are key to the prevention of transmission of pollutants and recent research indicates that COVID-19, transmitted in aerosols from infected persons, is susceptible to control by ventilation.
Posted June 15, 2021 | Category:
In September 2019 on Radio National Breakfast Di White, mother of two sons aged 35 and 36, was asked how she reconciled one dying from Accelerated Silicosis and the other son recently being diagnosed with the disease.
Posted May 12, 2021 | Category:

An article in The Australian on the 26 April quoted infectious disease experts as saying that conditions are ripe for a rebound flu season this year.1

It is expected that this year’s flu season will hit harder and later than in previous years.

Professor Terry Nolan, head of vaccine and immunisation research at the University of Melbourne, said low flu numbers last year could actually be a danger for this year. The low numbers mean that herd protection from the flu will be lower than normal and create reduced immunity.

Post Lockdown
Posted October 09, 2020 | Category: Health Blog, Safety Blog
EHS Today is an American magazine that informs safety professionals on trends, management strategies, regulatory updates and daily news to help them provide safe and healthy work sites. Just over 700 safety professionals recently participated in an editorial survey. Managers and leaders provided insight into how companies are managing the evolving business environment and what they think workplace safety will look like in a post pandemic world.