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Safety Blog

Whilst not compulsory, if you’re serious about a safe workplace and managing health and safety risks in a proactive manner, then the new ISO 45001 Standard released in March this year is well worth considering. It’s expected to become the primary reference for Health and Safety Management Systems worldwide. Attaining certification will demonstrate your company’s commitment to providing a healthy and safe workplace. It will also ensure that your company’s undertakings don’t negatively impact on other employees, worksites, the general public or visitors.
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on 18 May 2018 3:12 PM
This is a summary of the five new Compliance Codes developed by WorkSafe Victoria and released in March 2018. It highlights the changes from previous compliance codes. Basically, with the exception of Hazardous Manual Handling, it seems to be “steady as she goes” with minor revisions and the continued support of audiometric testing and the use of personal noise dosimeters or personal noise exposure meters for noise exposure assessments. WorkSafe says that the new compliance codes have been updated to reflect the OHS Regulations 2017 and Equipment (Public Safety) Regulations 2017 as well as modern work practices.
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on 18 May 2018 12:00 AM
The deadly Grenfell tower fire in London is a grim warning for Australia. In October, Four Corners revealed that Australian suppliers were aware of the risks associated with using polyethylene (PE) cladding on high-rise buildings, but they continued to import and sell it. Now the Victorian Cladding Taskforce has released an interim report with tough recommendations. Could your building be at risk?
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on 07 Dec 2017 2:18 PM
WorkSafe Victoria recently added 22 new Inspectors whilst 3 new Inspectors have been added by WorkSafe in the ACT. The bottom line is that each State in Australia has a regulating body who manages compliance of the WHS/OHS laws and an Inspector could visit your workplace at any time. The question is, are you ready for them?
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on 07 Dec 2017 2:11 PM
Technology is constantly evolving and plays an integral part in transforming the way we all work. It’s also being used for the successful management of health and safety in an organisation and there’s no doubt that it has reduced health and safety incidents. At JTA we are actively embracing technology to improve the way we conduct business as well as to improve the service we provide to our customers. Two projects have significantly changed the way we work and could be of interest and benefit to your business.
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on 07 Dec 2017 1:38 PM
In the area of compliance, change is a fact of life and you can’t afford to take a breather. At the moment, there are two changes that you need to be aware of. The Australian Standard 1940 Storage and handling of flammable substances, the most comprehensive and frequently used of the dangerous goods storage and handling Standards has been under review and the new edition is due out very soon. Based on its growth over previous editions the new version should be about 1000 pages (joking!).
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on 01 Aug 2017 9:59 AM

Whilst statistics show that the Australian annual work-related fatality rate is actually decreasing, this should not lull you into a false sense of security. Safety complacency still kills! What can you do to ensure you don’t join these statistics?

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on 01 Aug 2017 9:49 AM

As you’re no doubt aware, on the 17th of June the new OHS Regulations 2017 came into effect in Victoria. Some significant changes have been made, so it’s vital to know how they will affect you. This is especially true if you have asbestos in your workplace, are involved with hazardous chemicals or are in the construction or mining industry.

Regulators have reworded some of the existing laws to clarify their scope. The new legislation also uses a simpler consecutive numbering system.

You will need to pay special attention to these new laws, if your workplace:

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on 01 Aug 2017 9:34 AM

The recent news regarding the asbestos incident at Cremorne in Sydney, is yet another reminder of the importance of responsible and safe asbestos management.

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on 20 Apr 2017 2:52 PM

Cyclone Debbie may have passed, but conditions are still potentially hazardous for residents who are now attempting to clean up the mess left behind. It is understandable that a natural disaster will elicit a hugely emotional response for affected residents as they survey the damage to their homes.

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on 06 Apr 2017 11:16 AM